Sunday, February 16, 2014

What is this blog about?

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Larry Strong and I am a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).

Why this Blog
I have had a weight problem my whole life.  I have tried every diet I've seen, and nothing works over the long run.  I can lose weight on any diet but my diet dilemma is sticking to the diet and keeping the weight off.  I invariably gain it all back plus a little more.  When I got married in 1959 I weighed 210 pounds.  But over the next 22 years I gained 10 pounds a year and ended weighing 430 pounds in 1981.   In complete desperation I had stomach staple surgery.  I lost 75 pounds in 6 months, but then something happened to my body, I don't know what, and I gained it all back to 430 pounds in about 6 months.  Since then I have maintained my current weight (more or less).  I am now 76 years old and weigh 415 pounds.

The Diet Dillema Solution?
Several weeks ago I read an article by Jane Birch called "Discovering the word of wisdom".  It describes the whole food, plant-based perspective of how to maintain our health by properly following the Word of Wisdom as described in D&C 89 (LDS scripture).

10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained
for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof;
all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have
ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to
be used sparingly
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times
of winter, or of cold, or famine.

14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;
15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine
and excess of hunger.

16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine;

Reading Jane Birch's article and studying the word of wisdom I had an epiphany.
God created herbs, grain, fruit and vegetable to be used as food for men.  However, meat is to be used sparingly, and then only in times of winter (when all the other food doesn't grow around here) or in times of famine when no other food is available.  This was written 1n 1833, but since then the other food which we should eat is available in our grocery stores because it is imported from areas of a milder climate where it will grow.  There is really no reason to eat meat any more.

Supporting evidence of the Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet.

Numerous professionals have provided scientific evidence to support this type of food plan, including the following:

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn,, Jr.,
T. Colin Campbell,
Jeff Novick, MS,
Neal D. Barnard,
Dr. Michael Greger,
Dr. Joel Fuhrman,
Dr. Dean Ornish,
Dr. John A. McDougal,

What this diet will do for you.

These professionals claim this diet will drastically reduce or eliminate the following health problems;

Arthritis (AS, gout, psoriatic, rheumatoid)
Atherosclerosis (heart disease, carotid artery disease, strokes)
Cancers (colon, breast, uterus, ovary, kidney, prostate)
Cataracts & macular degeneration
Colitis (Crohn's, ulcerative
Dementia (Alzheimer's, cognitive dysfunction)
Erectile dysfunction
Gastritis (ulcers)
Hearing loss
Hiatus hernia
Kidney disease
Kidney Stones
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Varicose veins

My Plan

I have many of the problems described including obesity, arthritis, cataracts, diabetes, gout, and several more health problems.  Therefore, I am going to start this plan on  Monday, February 24, 2014.  I will report on this blog on a daily basis, or periodically, my progress, problems I encounter, how much weight I have lost, and corrections or easing of my many other health problems.  I also want to report from time to time the history of my health, the many different types of doctors (including some quacks) I have visited, the many different diets I have tried and their results and anything else that followers of this blog might be interested in.  And one last thing.  It is going to put a lot of pressure on me to stick to it.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong
Feb 16, 2014


  1. Wow, Larry. Amazing! I am excited to follow your progress!! Thanks for reaching out to me about your blog. I know all things happen for a purpose. You will yet fulfill a great mission through the work this new adventure will take. Thanks for sharing with all of us!!

  2. Also, Larry - you probably already know this, but this way of eating is so powerful that will need a doctor's supervision to help you with your medications. Many can probably be decreased very soon. Especially those related to blood sugars and blood pressure. So be careful!

    1. Michelle

      Thank you for your concern. I go to an endocrinologist who specializes in diabetes. I see him every 3 months and he does blood tests and reads my blood sugar meter, which I record 2 to 4 times a day. My A1C is 6.3 which is good. He makes corrections in my insulin dosage as necessary. If anything goes wrong he will see me on an emergency basis

  3. Oops, my original comment never make it -
    Anyway - I'm very excited for you and happy you have found "food truth." There is a learning curve but it will get easier and easier and you will feel better and better! Hang in there - this way of eating is designed by our loving Father to work with the way He designed our bodies. It works for everyone - it's like gravity. You will heal and you will lose weight naturally - this all goes together. There are many people as well as myself who are cheering you on!

  4. Hi Larry, I am so excited you have discovered this way of eating, which I feel so strongly that it is the way the Lord wants us to eat. I have been eating plant based whole foods now for 2.5 years and I love it! We'd love to support you in any way we can so please let us know your struggles and your triumphs. You might find that reading the discussion board on Dr.McDougall's website is so helpful and supportive ( Read the success stories, they are so amazing! What a blessing for us that the Lord, our Creator, has counseled us on the type of food we should put into our bodies!
