Saturday, July 26, 2014

Five Month Report

The 24th of July was exactly 5 months I have been on my WFPB diet.  I weigh 353 pounds so I have lost 59 pounds which is about 12 pounds a month.  My A-Fib is under control and I am starting to feel better.  My blood pressure is 112/66 and my cholesterol is 145.  The diet is starting to improve my health.  My blood sugar readings in the morning are between 70 and 100.  I am taking 13 units of Lantus insulin each night before I go to bed.  Next month I am going to have my A1c checked to see if it is coming down.  I will give a longer more detailed report on my 6 month diet anniversary which will be 24 Aug, 2014.

My diet is becoming routine and I think I have everything under control.  Thanks for everyone's support and prayers.

Forever strong in life.

Larry Strong

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A-Fib Update

On May 9, 2014 I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation - new onset - SLOW.  The following Tuesday I went into the hospital and had a pacemaker installed in my chest.   On the 8th of July I went back in the hospital to have my heart "shocked" to put it back into normal rhythm.  Last Tuesday I went to my doctor and he said my heart was "back in rhythm".  So hopefully this problem is under control and I can start feeling better.

My weight loss has slowed down with these problems but I am still trying to stay on the WFPB regimen.  I currently weight 358 which is a loss of 54 pounds in about 5 months.  My overall goal is to lose 10 pounds a month so I am still keeping up on that schedule.

I recently watched two interesting videos by Dr. Michael Gregor, author of NutritionFacts.Org
The first video is called "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death".  You can watch it at  It lists the 15 leading causes of death in the united states, what causes them and how they can be prevented with a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.  Fourteen of the 15 can be prevented with this diet.  The only one that can't be prevented is accidents.  Nine of these causes of death can be treated with a plant based diet and 5 can be reversed.  It is a very interesting video which lasts about one hour.

The second video is called "More Than an Apple a Day, Preventing our Most Common  Diseases".  You can watch it at  He points out that 100,000 deaths are caused each year in the United States from the side effects of prescription drugs.  Medical mistakes cause 44,000 deaths a year and hospital acquired infection causes 43,000 deaths a year.  He then states that this is 187,000 deaths a year in the U.S. that are caused by DOCTORS. This makes doctors the sixth leading cause of death. He then lists the 12 most common reasons we visit the doctor and what we can do to prevent having to go to the doctor.  Another very interesting video which also lasts about one hour.

Forever Strong in Life

Larry Strong