Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dr McDougall's Comments on Milk

Got Milk, Got Disease

1) The milk sugar, galactose, is toxic. As far back as 1981, cow’s milk was reported to cause cataracts of the eyes.

2) The fat you eat is the fat you wear. (Overweight and obesity.) Whole milk is 50% fat, milk advertised as 1% (low fat) is still 18% fat, and cheese is 70% fat.

3) Risk for heart attacks and stroke is most strongly tied to animal fats also called saturated fats. Dairy fat is 97% saturated fat. Dairy is loaded with cholesterol.

4) Milk is loaded with people poisoning chemicals. High levels of pesticides and herbicides are present in these foods. They cause cancer and brain damage.

5) Milk is filthy with microbes. Cow’s milk drinkers consume bovine leukemia viruses, bovine immunodeficiency viruses, listeria bacteria, mad cow prions, and much more.

6) Osteoporosis and kidney stones are from bone loss caused by eating animal proteins and dietary acids. Hard cheese is the greatest source of dietary acids.

7) Constipation is caused by lack of dietary fiber. Dairy products contain no dietary fiber. Plus cow’s milk protein causes allergic reactions, which paralyze the bowels making it almost impossible for children and adults to move their rock-hard stools.

8) Cow’s milk protein is the most common dietary cause of allergy and autoimmune diseases, including nephritis (kidney disease) and severe forms of arthritis. 

9) Lactose, the basic milk sugar, causes the majority of people worldwide to become sick with diarrhea, stomach cramps, and gas (lactose intolerance).

10) The factory farming of dairy cows is considered to be animal abuse and production of dairy foods is a leading cause of environmental pollution and climate change.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Six Month Report

I began the Whole Food Plant Based Regimen on 24 February 2014.  So I have been following it for six months.  When I started I weighed 412 pounds and I now weigh 350 pounds.  This is a loss of 62 pounds or about 10 pounds a month.  I lost 20 pounds the first month, 10 pounds the second and third month, 8 pounds the fourth and fifth month and 4 pounds the sixth month.  I'm slowing down but I think it may be because of other health problems I am having, or perhaps it is just a plateau.  Nevertheless I am going to stay the course.

 When I started by neck was 19" and it is now 18".  My chest has gone from 58" to 52" and my shirt size from a 7X to a 4X.   My waist was 70" and is now 60".  My pant size has gone from a 70 to a 60.  I have bought several new shirts and pants to fit me.  Yea!
My blood pressure was 130/70 and now is 102/60.
My A1c was 8.4 in May and it is now 6.6.
My cholesterol is 144.  The good range is between 0 - 200.
My LDL is 80.  Good range is between 0 -130.
My HDL is 35.  Good range is between 35 - 55.
My triglyceride is 146.  Good range is between 0 - 150.

The only prescriptions I am now taking are:
     Lantus Insulin for my diabetes.
     Furosemide water pills for my Congestive Heart Failure
     Pradaxa blood thinner for my Atrial Fibrillation.
I have stopped taking the following prescription medications:
     Novolog Insulin
     Testosterone shots
     Klor-con potassium supplement
     Azelastine nasal spray
I am still taking some non prescription medications:
     Tylenol - Two tablets for back pain when I get up each morning.
     Systane eye drops - Every morning for blood shot eyes caused by my water aerobics. 

On May 7, 2014 I was diagnosed wit Atrial Fibrillation - new onset - SLOW when my heart rate fell to 44 beats a minute. I asked my cardiologist if this could be caused by my new diet and he said no.  Just one of the gifts of the Golden Age (fools gold).  On the 13th of May I had a pacemaker installed in my chest.  This controls the low rate but I still had a high rate problem.  So on the 8th of July I had my heart "shocked" which put it back in rhythm.  However, 3 weeks later it was back in a-fib.  So I guess I have to live with it.  It causes me to be a little light headed and I have a loss of energy.

Before I started on my WFPB Regimen I was taking 4 shots of insulin and checking by blood sugars from 2 to 4 times a day.  Dr. McDougall makes recommendations on how to control type 2 diabetes while on the WFPB Regimen (  So I check my blood sugars each morning when I get up (they currently are running between 70 and 100).  Then I take a shot of Lantus Insulin when I go to bed (I currently take 20 units of Lantus).  My Family Dr. says my diabetes is now in good control and I should keep doing what I am doing.

I now feel much better than I did before I started the WFPB Regimen.  However on occasion I do feel a little light headed and sometimes I have a little loss of energy.  I am enjoying my new clothes.  I enjoy eating the proper food and look forward to each meal.  I even occasionally receive comments from friend and family that it looks like I have lost some weight.  So I say I have discovered a new diet and they ask me what it is.  So I tell them.  I have discovered the word of wisdom!

Forever Strong in Life

Larry Strong


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Five Month Report

The 24th of July was exactly 5 months I have been on my WFPB diet.  I weigh 353 pounds so I have lost 59 pounds which is about 12 pounds a month.  My A-Fib is under control and I am starting to feel better.  My blood pressure is 112/66 and my cholesterol is 145.  The diet is starting to improve my health.  My blood sugar readings in the morning are between 70 and 100.  I am taking 13 units of Lantus insulin each night before I go to bed.  Next month I am going to have my A1c checked to see if it is coming down.  I will give a longer more detailed report on my 6 month diet anniversary which will be 24 Aug, 2014.

My diet is becoming routine and I think I have everything under control.  Thanks for everyone's support and prayers.

Forever strong in life.

Larry Strong

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A-Fib Update

On May 9, 2014 I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation - new onset - SLOW.  The following Tuesday I went into the hospital and had a pacemaker installed in my chest.   On the 8th of July I went back in the hospital to have my heart "shocked" to put it back into normal rhythm.  Last Tuesday I went to my doctor and he said my heart was "back in rhythm".  So hopefully this problem is under control and I can start feeling better.

My weight loss has slowed down with these problems but I am still trying to stay on the WFPB regimen.  I currently weight 358 which is a loss of 54 pounds in about 5 months.  My overall goal is to lose 10 pounds a month so I am still keeping up on that schedule.

I recently watched two interesting videos by Dr. Michael Gregor, author of NutritionFacts.Org
The first video is called "Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death".  You can watch it at  It lists the 15 leading causes of death in the united states, what causes them and how they can be prevented with a Whole Food Plant Based Diet.  Fourteen of the 15 can be prevented with this diet.  The only one that can't be prevented is accidents.  Nine of these causes of death can be treated with a plant based diet and 5 can be reversed.  It is a very interesting video which lasts about one hour.

The second video is called "More Than an Apple a Day, Preventing our Most Common  Diseases".  You can watch it at  He points out that 100,000 deaths are caused each year in the United States from the side effects of prescription drugs.  Medical mistakes cause 44,000 deaths a year and hospital acquired infection causes 43,000 deaths a year.  He then states that this is 187,000 deaths a year in the U.S. that are caused by DOCTORS. This makes doctors the sixth leading cause of death. He then lists the 12 most common reasons we visit the doctor and what we can do to prevent having to go to the doctor.  Another very interesting video which also lasts about one hour.

Forever Strong in Life

Larry Strong


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Just a Quick Update

Yesterday makes 4 months I have been on the program.  I weigh 360 pounds so I have lost 10 pounds in the last month.

I haven't been feeling very good lately because of my pacemaker transplant which I had about a month ago.  I feel quite light headed and have a lack of energy.  I will probably go to my cardiologist in a couple of weeks and have him "shock" my heart.  This is supposed to put it back in rhythm and then I will start feeling better.


Larry Strong

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The China Study

I have just finished reading "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, PhD.  As it says on the cover "It is one of the most important books about nutrition ever written---". It blew me away by its clarity and how it answered so many questions I have had throughout my life concerning diet and lifestyle change. 

Aside from the scriptures it is one of the best books I have ever read.  The scriptures teach us what we must do to achieve spiritual salvation.  The China Study teaches what we can do to achieve temporal salvation and overcome our health problems in this life.

I find it in agreement with the Word of Wisdom found in D&C 89 which also teaches a diet and lifestyle change.  The purpose the Lord gave the word of wisdom by revelation to the "saints in Zion" (D&C 89:1) was to teach us how we can achieve "temporal salvation" during our temporal life.  However, it was not initially given by "commandment or constraint" but as guidance to know how we can receive "health" (verse 18) in this life and "run and not be weary and ... walk and not faint" (verse 20).  By following all of the word of wisdom including the dietary instructions, the destroying angel will pass us by and not slay us (verse 21).  In other words we will die a natural death not caused by chronic disease from the Standard American Diet (SAD).

Just a couple of things that impressed me while reading The China Study.

First it says on page 228 "Our bodies have evolved (been created by God) with this infinitely complex network of actions in order to derive maximal benefit from whole food, as they appear in nature".  I would change "evolved" to "been created by God".  God created whole foods and our bodies to work together so we can live a full, happy temporal life by minimizing chronic diseases we encounter.

Second on page 250 it says "The entire system--government, science, medicine, industry and media--promotes profits over health, technology over food and confusion over clarity."  Verse 4 in the Word of Wisdom warns us of this conspiracy.  "4:...In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation--"

I really enjoyed reading "The China Study" and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to be healthy by changing your diet and lifestyle.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day of Decision

Today I have been on the WFPB plan for exactly 3 months and now it is a day of decision.  When I started on the plan I resolved I would stay on the plan for 3 months and then decide what to do.  Stay on the plan or give it up.  Today is that day of decision.

There are three things I want to evaluate.

First, can I lose weight on the WFPB plan?  My experience on all my past diet attempts says no, but I think I now have hope of succeeding in losing weight.  When I started three months ago I weighed 412 pounds.  Today I weigh 370 pounds so I have lost 42 pounds in three months.  This is an average loss of 14 pounds a month which I think is outstanding.  The plan is working to help me lose weight.  Dr Campbell in "The China Study" says someone my height (5' 8") is obese if they weigh in excess of 197 pounds.  I haven't weighed that since high school, 61 years ago.  My goal is to get down to 197 pounds in 2 years. This is a loss of 215 pounds in 24 months or an average of 9 pounds/month.  I have a good start to reach this goal and plan on continuing.  I am so grateful I have finally found something that actually works for me in losing weight.  Thank you Jane.

Second, will the plan help me resolve or control my health problems?  At the start of the plan I stopped taking all medications except insulin for my diabetes (since 1986) and furosemide (water pill) for my congestive heart failure (since 2002).  I went to my family doctor two weeks ago for a complete physical.  He took blood tests and all the results were normal except for two.  

My uric acid test for gout was 10.0 which is high.  It should be between 2.4 and 7.0. The Mayo clinic says "Blood test results can be misleading, though. Some people have high uric acid levels, but never experience gout. And some people have signs and symptoms of gout, but don't have unusual levels of uric acid in their blood."  I had gout in 1974 and have been taking allopurinol ever since. Under my doctor's direction last January I stopped the medication.  I have had no return of the pain from gout in my feet.  So I am not going to resume the medication unless the pain returns.

My A1c was 8.4 which is high.  This is a test for the blood sugar average over 3 months.  Normally in someone without diabetes it should be 6.0 or less.  The previous time I had it tested was last January and it was 6.3.  I have been following Dr McDougall's "Simple Care for Diabetes" (  He says "The first step to turning around these events is to stop, or at least drastically reduce, the medications".  I have done this.  I am now taking 10 units of Lantus in the evening.  "The second crucial step is to change to a low-fat, animal-food-free, starch-based diet."  I have done this.  "The third step is to start exercising which further lowers blood sugars and enhances the weight loss. With these changes a simple cure is possible for essentially everyone with type-2 diabetes."  I have been doing water aerobics twice a week for 12 years.   "For the overweight patient, with a diagnosis of type-2 diabetes, significantly elevated blood sugars, and taking insulin, I always reduce their dosage, and most times I ask them to stop the insulin altogether.... One other important change I also make is to switch them from multiple shots daily to a single dose of long-acting insulin, such as Lantus, taken once in the evening."  My morning blood  glucose level when I started the plan was between 150 and 170.  Now it is usually in the 120's.  "I discourage blood sugar measurements at any other time of the day unless they suspect hypoglycemia (too low a sugar). The finding of elevated sugars later in the day after eating just upsets the patient and does not add any useful information in deciding on the next dosage of insulin to be given."  An article titled "Diabetes Advice for the Elderly: Relax" written by Paula Span on April 26, 2013 says "The Choosing Wisely campaign... alerts doctors and patients to questionable and overused tests and treatments.  The American Geriatrics Society, participating in the campaign, cautioned against prescribing medications to reach “tight glycemic control,” which the group defined as below 7.5 on the commonly used A1c test. 

Third, can I tolerate staying on the plan the rest of my life?  Eating meals with no meat, poultry fish, eggs, dairy or oils is a big challenge.  However, I am learning how to do it and I like the results.  Eating out so often makes it a special challenge, but that is my life style.  I have always liked potatoes and beans but rice wasn't my favorite.  I also like lots of fruit and vegetables.   I have shown my typical meals for a week in my blogs from Monday April 23 to Sunday May 4.  Yesterday we drove 200 miles to several cemeteries to place flowers on the graves of our families.  We had lunch in Provo at a Subway and I had a Veggie Delight sandwich which was 100% WFPB.  I have also changed our Thursday evening meal at home to a Mexican rice recipe which is yummy.  I am making little changes as we go to make the meals more enjoyable and more in line with the plan.  I am actually enjoying all the food.  I know I can stay on the plan for the rest of my life.

I feel good and have more energy except for the last couple of weeks.  When I went to my doctor for my check up they discovered I have atrial fibrillation so they put a pacemaker in my chest to help control it.  It was two 2 hour operations in one day.  They had some problems the first time they operated.  This has left me pretty weak and wobbly.  I am going to the Dr. next Friday so they can start me on a blood thinner.  Then in a month they will "shock" my heart to bring it back into a normal rhythm.  This coming week will also be very busy because I have 4 grand children who are graduating from High School.  We are going to all their graduation exercises.  Life goes on. 

Conclusion.  We are going to continue on the WFPB plan for the rest of our life, if we can make it.

Forever Strong in Life
I am a devout and faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  My wife and I were married in the Salt Lake City Temple 55 years ago.  We have 5 children, 15 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  I have always been active in my church.  I have been first and second counselor in the Bishopric, a member of the High Council, a Stake Mission President, filled two stake missions and have taught the gospel doctrine class in 6 different wards, among numerous other assignments.  I currently teach the lesson in the High Priest Group of our ward.  I retired from the Federal Government 12 years ago.  We own a modest home in Davis county with the HOA doing all the yard work and snow removal.

I am not going to be writing in my blog as often as I have been but I will try to keep you posted from time to time.

Thanks everyone for your support, prayers and love;

Larry strong

Monday, May 12, 2014

Fun & Games

Life is full of fun and games and we had an  episode this week.

On the 24th of May we will be on our WFPB Healthy Lifestyle Habit for 3 months.  At that time I am going to evaluate how I am doing to determine if I can stay on this lifestyle for the rest of my life.  Am I losing weight and also does it correct some of my health problems.

To prepare for this date I went to my family physician last Friday for a physical.  When he was checking my pulse rate it was extremely low so I had an EKG.  My pulse rate was 44 so he called my cardiologist and he said I should go to the emergency room at the hospital.  They gave me another EKG, a chest xray and drew more blood.  I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (low).  I took a heart monitor home and wore it for 24 hours.  This morning I went to my cardiologist and was told I need a pacemaker.  I am scheduled to go into the hospital tomorrow and have one placed in my chest and attached to my heart. 

They said I will be laid up for about 4 weeks.  I would appreciate any prayers on my behalf for a successful procedure and a rapid recovery.  This may slow me down somewhat in writing in this blog. 

The fun and games continue.

Larry Strong, forever strong in life.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday's Meals

Sunday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Great Harvest Bread Company Granola
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed

Lunch at Home
McDougall's vegan tomato soup

Dinner at Home
0 fat Italian salad dressing
McDougall's vegan black bean soup

Evening Snack at Home

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Saturday's Meals

Saturday's Meals

Breakfast at home
1 vegan pancake
Sugar free syrup

Lunch at Cracker Barrel
Black pepper vinaigrette dressing
Baked potato
Pinto beans

Dinner at Subway
12 inch veggie delight on Italian bread
     black olives
     green peppers
     yellow peppers
     brown mustard
     sweet onion dressing

Evening Snack at Home

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday's Meals

Friday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Grape nuts cereal
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed

Lunch at Pizza Pie Cafe
Fat free French dressing
Whole wheat penne pasta
Marinara sauce

Dinner at The Noodle Factory
Japanese pan noodles with vegetables

Evening Snack at Home

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday's Meals

Thursday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed
1/2 banana

Lunch at Mongolian BBQ
Cup of hot & sour soup
Fried Rice
Vegetable Lo Mein

Dinner at Home
No fat French Dressing
Brown rice
Stir fry vegetables

Evening Snack at Home
Dry roasted peanuts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday's Meals

Wednesday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Hot Oat Meal
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed

Lunch at Golden Corral
Walden Farm's 1000 Island Dressing (0 fat)
Baked Potato
Pinto beans
Pico de gallo
Scoop of guacamole

Dinner at Home
Walden Farm's Italian Dressing (0 fat)
Whole Wheat spaghetti
Home made marinara sauce
Fresh strawberries

Evening Snack at Home
Pop Corn (cooked on my hot air popper)

WFPB Healthy Lifestyle Habit

There is an article in the Standard Examiner for Tuesday, April 29, 2014 titled "Dieting? Researchers say quit".  You can read it at

It explains all the problems of dieting I have experienced throughout my life.  Their conclusion is diets don't work, so quit.  They recommend ditching the diet mentality and practicing healthy lifestyle habits.

To me this is exactly what the Whole Food Plant Based program is.  A healthy lifestyle habit you must practice for the rest of your life.  And it works, when nothing else does in the long run. 

So I am not going to use the word "diet" any more in this blog but instead say "the WFPB healthy lifestyle habit".

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday's Meals

Tuesday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Corn flakes
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed
Fresh raspberries

Lunch at Asian Buffet
My own French Dressing (0 fat)
Cup of hot & sour soup
Vegetable Mei Fun  (Mei fun noodles is ordinary rice vermicelli. There is no meat in it.  It is stir fried with healthy and high fiber veggies.)
Vegetable Lo Mei  (Lo Mein noodles with stir fry vegetables and no meat)
Fried Rice
Fresh Cantaloup

Dinner at Home
No fat Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing
Baked Potato
Pinto beans
Paces mild picante sauce

Evening Snack at Home
Small serving of pistachio nuts

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday's Meals

Last Thursday my granddaughter graduated from Weber State University.  After the graduation the family had lunch at Chili's which was her choice.  To prepare ahead so I could stay on my WFPB diet, I looked up Chili's on the internet to see what I could eat.  I found their vegetarian menu. (  The menu also indicates which items have dairy and eggs so you can use it as a vegan menu.  I ordered their Santa Fe Salad without chicken and tortilla chips.  I added my own Walden Farms Thousand Island dressing.  I also had a cup of black beans and 3 corn tortillas (10 fat calories).  I dipped the tortillas in the picante sauce like they were chips.  It was a very enjoyable meal.

For this entire week I am going to list what I eat each day and request any comments and suggestions on how I can better stay on my diet.  We eat out 9 meals a week and it is sometimes difficult to find restaurant food I can eat that is legal on my diet.  One of the biggest problems I have is avoiding refined vegetable oils such as olive oil because many places "sneak" it into their recipes.

Monday's Meals

Breakfast at home
Shredded  wheat
Almond milk (unsweetened)
2 tbs milled flax seed
1/2 banana

Lunch at Olive Garden
Walden Farms Italian Dressing (0 calories)
Minestrone soup
1 bread stick

Dinner at Sizzler
Salad with my own Walden Farms 1000 Island Dressing (0 calories, no fat)
Baked Potato
Pinto beans
Pico de gallo
Spoon of guacamole
Honeydew melon

Evening Snack at Home
1 small apple

Monday, April 21, 2014

Eight Weeks Down

Today I have been on the WFPB diet for 8 weeks.  After lunch I went to my Doctor's office to weigh me.  I weigh 379 pounds.  This is a loss of 13 pounds in the last 4 weeks and a total of 33 pounds since I started 8 weeks ago.  This is an average loss of about 4 pounds a week.  My long term goal is to average losing about 2 1/2 pounds a week for about two years.  Then I will be down to a normal weight and in a lot better health.  This is my long term goal and I have a good start.  This encourages me to keep on going.

Last week I read an article in Meridian Magazine by Jane Birch titled "Discovering The Word of Wisdom: Discovering Joy!".  It is an excellent article and I recommend everyone read it.  You can find it at

Starting next Monday and for one week I am going to record on this blog everything I eat each day.  Then I hope any followers will critique my diet and give me any suggestions on how I can improve.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong

Monday, April 14, 2014

Feeling Good

Today I have been on the WFPB diet for 7 weeks and I am feeling good.  However, you must remember that I am 77 years old and have weighed over 400 pounds for the past 32 years.  Everything considered, I feel blessed to still be alive.  My father died at age 77 and my mother at age 72.  So I am entering new ground.  First, I do feel better than I did before I started the diet.  I have more energy during the day and I don't get as tired as I used to.  Second, I am sleeping better.  I go to sleep quickly when I retire and I don't have to get up as often during the night to go the the bathroom.  When I wake up in the morning I feel refreshed and ready to start the day.  Third, my stress level is way down.  In the past I have always worried about my weight and health.  But now with this diet my mind is at ease. I believe in the diet because some results are starting to show.  I am losing weight and am feeling better.  I realize it is a long hard journey ahead of me but I am determine to stay on the path and persevere.  One disappointment is my chronic congestive cough.  I was hoping eliminating dairy from my diet would resolve this problem but so far there has been no change. Onward and upward and we will see.

My family is supportive of what I am doing but no one wants to try it with me, at least for now.  Hopefully as I succeed they will reconsider.  I asked my wife to go on it with me but she said no.  She was on Atkins for two years and lost 100 pounds.  She doesn't want to go through another diet, but I told her it was a complete change in eating life style.  We will see.  My two daughters have been the most supportive, but also don't want to try it.  Yet.  A week ago we had lunch at my daughters between Sunday sessions of conference. She fixed me a baked potato and I took a can of beans to eat with it.  A few days ago my other daughter brought me a bottle of salad dressing that has no fat and no calories.  It is made by Walden Farms ( and is available at Harvest Moon Health Foods.

The second Sunday of each month all of our family (5 children and spouses, 15 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren) meet at one of our homes for dessert night and a get together.  We met again last night (except for two grandchildren who are on missions).  We are very blessed because all of our family lives within twenty minutes of us.  I took an apple for my dessert.  I handed out a paper to each family explaining the diet I am on and links to this blog and Jane Birch's book "Discovering the Word of Wisdom".  They expressed some interest, especially the women, and said they would learn more about the diet.  We will see.

Every Tuesday and Thursday I go to Wasatch Peak Physical Therapy and do an hour and a half of water aerobics.  I have been doing this for 12 years.  We get to know all the regulars and love to discuss our health problems, and some have real zingers.  I told them I was losing weight on a new diet and they asked me what the diet was.  So I explained it.  But all of them said they were not interested on going on a vegan diet with no refined vegetable oils because they couldn't give up their dairy and/ or meat.  But as I continue to lose weight and improve my health we will see if they change their mind.

One week until my second weigh in.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong

Monday, April 7, 2014


Last Saturday we took our grandson out for his 18th birthday.  The restaurant he picked was Red Robin.  I searched the menu to find something I could eat that would be on my WFPB diet.  I ordered a vegan burger, which I previously did not know they served.  It had a whole wheat bun, a vegan patty (I don't have any idea of what it was made of), onions, tomatoes and pickles.  I added some ketchup. It came with a side of french fries so I substituted a side salad with no dressing or cheese.  I now take my own bottle of salad dressing when I eat out.  I had a fat free balsamic vinaigrette dressing.  The meal was OK but I don't think I like the vegan patty very much.  I prefer good old potatoes, rice and beans.

For breakfast I eat cold cereal 5 days a week.  We have Wheaties, Corn Flakes, Oats and More, Shredded Wheat and a couple of other grain cereals.  I use two tablespoons of flax seed sprinkled on the cereal. I also use unflavored, unsweetened almond milk.  Then I add some fresh fruit.  I like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and bananas.  

One meal a week I have oatmeal with chopped walnuts, flax seed and almond milk.  My seventh meal each week is vegan pancakes.  I put some sugar free syrup on it.

Six weeks down and two to go until my next weigh in.  

Forever strong in life.

Larry Strong


Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy Birthday Larry

I was born on Easter Sunday, March 28 1937.  Last Friday, March 28 2014, I turned 77.

My wife gave me a hot air popper for my birthday.  Now I can snack on butter free, oil free popcorn in the evening when we watch an old time movie.  My two daughters gave me a gift card to Rumbi's Grill and one to Deseret book.

Colleen (my wife) also paid for my lunch and dinner. We went to restaurants where I could stay on my diet.  I wasn't even tempted to cheat.  I am resolved to win the battle.

It has been a good week and I still feel good.  Everything is going well.  Thanks for everyone's support.

Forever strong in life,

Larry Strong

Monday, March 24, 2014

Fourth Week Weigh In

I began the WFPB diet 4 weeks ago today on 24 February 2014.  I then weighed 412 pounds.  Today I weighed me and I now weigh 392 pounds.  This is a loss of 20 pounds in 4 weeks for an average loss of 5 pounds a week.

When I began this diet I resolved to stay on it at least 3 month, no matter what.  Then I would evaluate it based on 3 factors.  First, will I lose weight on this diet.  Second, do I have more energy and is my overall health improving.  Third, will I be able to stay on this diet for the rest of my life or will the food be so bad that I can't adjust.  To date I can give a resounding YES!!! to all three of these criteria.  Thank you, thank you, thank you Jane Birch for helping me find the solution to a problem that has plagued me all my life.  I really believe my diet dilemma has been solved.

Last Wednesday, March 19, was our 55th wedding anniversary.  I told my wife I would take her out to eat any place she wanted and I would try to find something on the menu I could eat.  She loves pizza so she picked the Pizza Pie Cafe.  They have a salad bar so I took my bottle of fat free balsamic vinaigrette dressing and had a really nice salad.  They also have a pasta bar so I had some whole wheat pasta and marinara sauce.  Yummy, yummy.

 Yesterday I had soup for lunch and again for dinner.  It was Dr. McDougall's vegan soup.  I had minestrone for lunch and chunky tomato for supper.  They were both really good.

It has been a great month and I have a lot of hope for the future.  Thanks everyone for your encouraging comments and prayers.

Forever strong in life,

Larry Strong

Monday, March 17, 2014

Three Weeks Gone

I have been on the WFPB diet for three weeks.

Last week we went to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for three home prepared meals.  They are from Jeff Novick's fast food list.  The three meals we prepared were Curried Indian Potato Stew, Mexican Beans and Rice and Italian Pasta Primavera.  The meals were pretty good and easy to prepare.  While shopping (at Harmons) we found some of Dr McDougall's soups and bought several of them.  Yesterday we had his split pea soup for lunch and chili bean soup for dinner.   They were OK.  We also found milled flax seed at the store and bought a package.  I now put 2 tbs of flax seed on my cereal each time I have it for breakfast

Wednesday we went to "Taste of India" for lunch,  They have a vegetarian menu with 4 vegan dishes.  I asked the manager if their vegan dishes did not use any vegetable oils, but she said she did not know.  They probably do.  My dish was cooked with thick curry sauce which I did not like.  That evening I got an upset stomach from the curry.  I am not going back.

Saturday we went to dinner at "Cracker Barrel".   I had their vegetable plate.  I ordered a sweet potato, pinto beans, rice pilaf and mixed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).  It was very good.  I think the pinto beans had some oil in them.  So next time I am going to order string beans and also have a dry baked potato instead of a sweet potato.  

I discovered a web site called Self Nutrition Data
It is an interesting site.  You can put in any food and it gives all kinds of nutritional data on the food.

This week I have followed Dr McDougall's guide for diabetics.  I had been checking my blood sugar levels up to 4 times a day and taking 4 injections of insulin each day.  He recommends checking your blood sugar levels only once when you get up in the morning and if the reading is between 150 and 200 taking one 10 mm injection of lantus insulin before you got to bed.  So that is what I have done all week.  My blood sugar high reading was 161 and the low was 135.  When it is below 150 I do not need to take a shot.

It has been a good week.  I have more energy and am enjoying the food.  And I am not hungry all the time like a normal SAT diet.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong

Monday, March 10, 2014

Second Week

It has been an interesting second week of my WFPB DIET.

My cold is pretty much gone.  However I still have my cough and lots of phlegm in my throat and some nasal congestion (a 7 year problem).  I was hoping my eliminating dairy might clear it up but so far no help.

Friday my granddaughter got married in the Salt Lake Temple so we spent all day on wedding activities.  We had a wedding luncheon at the Wight House in Bountiful.  I had a vegetable plate and a salad with no dressing.  Before the reception I went to Rumbi Island Grill and had a rice bowl with vegetables.  However I think they used some vegetable oil in preparing the rice.  At the reception they had strawberry shortcake.  I went in the kitchen and thy made me a plate of just strawberries.  They also had unflavored popcorn and I had a large cup of it.  It was an enjoyable day.

I am eating out at 3 different Chinese buffets.  They all have white rice which I am learning to like.  They also have stir fry.  I checked with the cook and two of them use oil to prepare the stir fry.  So I told them I didn't want any oil so they prepared them with water.  I also have a cup of hot and sour soup but I think it may have some oil in it.  I don't know what to do about that except not have it.  Any suggestions.  Then I also have some fruit for desert.

We prepare our own meals on Sunday so I had cereal, fruit and almond milk, unsweetened for all 3 meals.  I discovered some soups that Dr McDougall sells which are total vegan.  I ordered 6 cans each of hot and sour, split pea and chili.  So I will be having a couple of cans of soup for my meals on Sunday.

Jane Birch sent me an article of Dr McDougall entitled "Simple Care for Diabetes". It is a great article and I am going to follow his advice but I will probably have to change my diabetes doctor because he is doing everything Dr McDougall advises against.  I only check my blood sugar levels when I get up in the morning and if they are over 150 then I take 10 ml of lantus when I go to bed.  I have been doing this for several days and have had to take only 1 shot.

I purchased Jim Novick's fast food DVD and am going to try his 5 main meals.  I am buying the food today after lunch.  However, a caution on his DVD.  I can't watch his two hours of video on my computer because they will only run on a windows XP or lower platform and I have windows 7.

I am feeling very good especially since I am over my cold.  And the food is tasting better every day.  Two more weeks and I will weigh me.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A lecture by Dr. John McDougall

I just watched a recorded 1 hour lecture by Dr. John McDougall which he gave at his February 2014 advanced study weekend.  What interested me most was his description of what causes diabetes and how it can be reversed and cured.

Larry Strong

Monday, March 3, 2014

One Week Down

I've had an additional problem to contend with the first week of my diet.  The Friday before I began, (28 Feb) I started coming down with a cold.  By Sunday it was really bad and I was going to stay home from church.  But I had to speak in Sacrament Meeting so after that I went home and went to bed for the rest of the day.  Monday morning I started the diet but still felt lousy.  I went to the doctor and he said I had a cold that was going around.  It would last about 10 days and all he could do was give me some medicine to help relieve the discomfort. So I have been on drugs all week.

I started my diet on schedule Monday morning and have stuck to the diet 100% all week.

I take insulin shots 4 times a day and check by blood sugars 4 times a day.  My doctor wants me to keep my blood sugar levels between 70 and 150 with 100 being optimal.  The first two days my blood sugars went in the 40's and 50's several times.  This is not good, so I decided if it was below 150 I would not take my insulin before that meal.  During the following 5 days (normally 20 shots) I only had to take my insulin twice because it was between 70 and 150.  I think this diet is going to help me solve by diabetes problem.  Time will tell.

I haven't weighed me because I do not have a scale.  I have to go to the doctors office and use theirs.  I plan on weighing myself only once a month.  But I know I have lost a little around the waist because I have tightened my belt 1 notch which is about 1 inch.  I check my pulse rate with a meter every morning and it has been in the 90's when it normally is about 60.  I hope it will come back down when the drugs get out of my body.

Several years ago I started getting pimples on the back of my head and beneath my ears.  I talked to my doctor about it then and he told me what it was.  He gave me an anti-biotic which I took and the problem went away. Several months later the problem came back and has bothered me ever since.  But now it is gone again, thanks to my new diet.  I think the WFPB plan fixes a lot of our problems we are not even aware of.  The word of wisdom says  it will provide "the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days--".  Temporal means the physical body.

I have  more energy and overall feel better, except for my cold.  I don't have problems eating the food and fill up quickly.  I am not hungry between meals except in the evening when I will eat some fruit.

When I retired 12 years ago my wife said she wanted to retire from cooking, so we have been eating out 9 meals a week.  Because of her health it is difficult for her to prepare meals and I am useless in the kitchen.  So we are still planning on eating out 9 meals a week.  We go to several American buffets and several Chinese buffets.  Typically at an American buffet I will have a baked potato stuffed with veges and pico de gallo.  I then have a vegetable plate with vinegar and lemon juice.  And I finish with fresh fruit.  At a Chinese buffet I have a bowl of hot and sour soup and stir fry.  Again I finish with fresh fruit.  I have cereal, fruit and almond milk (unsweetened) each morning for breakfast.  My wife prepares the other home meals from the many fat free vegan recipes that are available.

About 10 years ago we decided to go on the Atkin's diet.  After about a week my blood sugars went crazy so I had to stop the diet, but my wife stayed on it for a year and lost 100 pounds.  She has put a little of the weight back on but has stabilized.  When I invited her to go on the WFPB diet with me she said "no because the Atkin's diet had burned her out and she was not going on any more diets".

I appreciate everyones support, prayers and comments.  I am going to make it.

Forever strong in life.

Larry Strong

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Big Day

Today is the day I start my WFPB diet.

Whole wheat cereal
Unsweetened almond milk
Sliced fresh strawberries

I normally sweeten my cereal with stevia.  But Jane recommends I don't use stevia so I can get used to the natural unsweetened taste of food, so that is what I did.  The meal was very satisfying and I was full.  I also used to have a whey protein drink every morning with breakfast.  No more.

Baked potato stuffed with cooked green beans, mushrooms and pico de Gallo.
Sliced cooked squash
Cooked carrots
Small scoop of white rice
Slice of honeydew melon

Baked potato stuffed with pinto beans and pico de gallo.
Slice of honeydew melon

Evening Snack
1/2 apple
I am so full I could only eat half of it

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Tomorrow I start my WFPB diet.  So I need to publish a baseline of where I am  today so I can measure if I am losing weight and inches.

Height 5' 8"
Weight 412 pounds
Neck 19"
Chest 58'
Waist 70 "

I know, I'm shaped like a pear.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


I have been physically active all of my life in spite of my weight.

In High School I weighed about 220.  I majored in football, track and wrestling.  I received two college football scholarships but instead I took an academic scholarship to BYU (remember, I am a rocket scientist by profession).

I used to play a lot of racket ball during my lunch time at work.  Later I would walk in the mornings for 1/2 hour.  I also bought an exercise bike and a treadmill which I regularly used. 

When I had congestive heart failure in 2002 I was in such poor health I could no longer exercise.  My doctor had me do physical therapy which included 1 1/2 hours water aerobics twice a week in a pool.  I fell in love with the water.  I could go a whole session and not hurt.  I have been  doing water aerobics twice a week for 12 years and I am still doing it.  I think it is one of the things that has kept me alive.

I plan on continue doing water aerobics for the rest of my life.  Or at least until my health improves so I can do other exercises.

Love that Water

Forever Strong in Life
Larry Strong

Friday, February 21, 2014

Doctors I have known

I have a list of 21 doctors I have been to over the last 50 years.  And the list isn't complete.  I want to share some of my experiences with you.

Family Physician---I have been with my current family physician for about 20 years.  He is much younger than I am but has his problems too.  He isn't overweight but has come down with diabetes.  It can happen to anyone, but mostly to fatties like me.  He has been a good doctor and has referred me to many specialists as my numerous health problems arise.  He recently had two surgeries for pain in his neck and is now working half time while he recovers.

Weight Loss Specialists
-MD 1962---I read an ad in the paper about a doctor who helped you lose weight by "balancing your metabolism."  I was skeptical on my first meeting because he weighed about 400 pounds.  I then was a "sleek" 250.  He told me about this wonderful plan, which he had been on himself for a month.  He gave me a whole slew of different colored pills and instructions of which ones to take and when during the day.  I didn't need to do anything else.  Then he would see me in a week, check me and change the quantity and type of pills I took each day to balance my metabolism.  The next Friday I received a call from the dr.'s office reminding me of my 2:00 pm appointment.  However, I couldn't see my regular dr. but another dr. would see me.  I asked why I couldn't see my regular dr. and they said because he had passed away the day before.  I cancelled my appointment and flushed the rest of my pills down the toilet.
-MD 1972---Protein Sparing Fast.  I had 2 oz of liquid protein and water every day for 40 days. Nothing else.  I lost about 30 pounds and developed gout.
-Psychiatrist 1977---I went to a psychiatrist who claimed he could help people lose weight.  On my first session he explained that he would examine my past over many visits and find out what happened in my past that causes me to overeat and gain weight.  I never went back.
-Surgeon 1981---I became really desperate about my weight because I weighed 430 pounds.  So I had stomach staple surgery.  I lost about 75 pounds then gained it all back.  This really soured me on receiving medical help on losing weight.
-DC Chiropractic & Bio-Identical Hormones 2009---Several things he had me do to lose weight include the following:  Take a whey protein drink every morning with breakfast.  I am still doing this but will stop on my new WFPB diet.  Stop drinking all soda pop, diet or regular.  I followed this advise and have not had any soft drinks for the past 4 years.  Use stevia as a natural sweetener in place of sugar.  I am still doing this.  Any comments on this for the WFPB diet?  I never lost any weight and stopped seeing him after 6 months.
-I have seen many doctors for different problems and they all tell me I need to lose weight (da).  So I ask them what diet they recommend I go on and they usually say some variation of the Standard American Diet (SAD).  I then ask them if they will tell me the names of two of their patients who have weighed as much as I do, who have gone on his diet and lost down to their normal weight and kept it off for two years.  No doctor I have seen has ever been able to do this.  After this they do not discuss diet with me anymore.  I have basically been the same weight (between 415 and 430) for the past 33 years.  HELP HELP HELP.

MD Family Physician 1986---Diagnosed with diabetes.  Given pills and a diabetic diet.
Current MD Family Physician 1994--- Blood sugars went over 200 so I was put on insulin.
MD Endocrinology/Diabetes Specialist 2000---My blood sugars started going wacky so my family physician recommend I go to a diabetes specialist.  He put me on 2 different insulins, 4 shots a day and has me check my blood sugars 2 to 4 times a day.  I see him every 3 months when he checks my blood sugar meter readings and draws blood for testing.  He than makes adjustments when necessary.  He also has me take a weekly shot of testosterone to help me feel more energetic. I also take Klor-Con tablets which is a potassium supplement. It seems to be keeping my diabetes in control. My A1C is 6.3.
DPM Podiatry 2013---I see a podiatrist every 10 weeks for a diabetic check of my feet and to trim my nails.

Sleep Apnia
MD Internal Medicine/Lung Disease 1987---I was diagnosed with sleep apnia in 1987.  They put me on a CPAP machine and oxygen at night.  In 2002 it was changed to a BiPAP machine.  It is wonderful and I use it with no problems.

Rotator Cuff
 #1MD Orthopedic Surgeon 1995---I had surgery to repair a mangled rotator cuff.  It couldn't be repaired so now I can't raise my right arm.

Total Knee Replacement
#2 MD Orthopedic Surgeon 2000---I had a total knee replacement on my right knee.
#3 MD Orthopedic Surgeon 2005---I had a total knee replacement on my left knee.

Congestive Heart Failure
MD FACC Cardiovascular Medicine 2002---I had congestive heart failure, gained up to 600 pounds and was in the hospital for 9 days.  My weight came back down to normal after treatment (415 is normal for me).  The only medicine I am taking for this problem is Furosomide which is a diuretic to treat fluid build-up and swelling.  Because of this medicine and being somewhat incontinent I have to get up about 3 times a night to go to the bathroom.  Rather inconvenient.  I am in bed about 9 hour a night and get 7 hours of sleep.  I see my doctor for a check up every 6 months and every year I have an echocardiogram which is is a sonogram of the heart.  He says my heart is in good shape.  My blood pressure is 130/70 and my HDL is 160.

Chronic Cough
 In 2007 I came down with a chronic cough.  I have continual phlegm in my throat which makes me cough and it will not go away.  In the past 7 years I have been to 3 ENT's, a lung specialist, a specialist on sleep apnia and an allergy specialist.  But no one can find out what is wrong.  Perhaps this diet, with losing weight will solve my problem.

Cataract Surgery
 MD Laser & Cataract Eye Specialist 2009.  I had a cataract removed from my left eye.

Hope Springs Eternal
I plan on staying on the WFPB diet for the rest of my life.  My goal is to lose down to my normal weight in the next two or three years.  And along the way resolve many of my health problems.  Thank you Jane Birch and your book "Discovering the Word of Wisdom" which has given me this great hope.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Health History

1959---In 1959 I got married and weighed 210 pounds.  I had good health with no serious problems.
1972---I had been gaining about 10 pounds a year and weighed 330 pounds.  I was living in Las Vegas NV and read a newspaper ad for a local doctor who had a weight loss program called a protein sparing fast.  I tried the program which consisted of drinking 2 ounces of liquid protein every day and nothing else except water.  After 40 days on this program I had lost about 30 pounds.  However, I suddenly had a terrible pain in my foot so I went to the emergency room at the hospital.  They told me I had gout from the program I was on and the doctor was a quack.  They put me on allopurinol which cured the problem.  I'm still taking this medicine after 42 years.
1977---Needed glasses.  When I turned 40, I went to renew my drivers license but couldn't pass the eye test.
1981---Stomach staple surgery.  I was 44 years old and my weight had ballooned to 430 pounds.  I had been on the yo-yo diet (up and down and up more for 22 years).  Nothing had worked so in desperation I had stomach staple surgery.  I lost weight for a few months then gained it all back.  Another failed attempt to lose weight.
1986---Diabetes.  I had frequent urination and was always thirsty.  Another "blessing" of the Standard American Diet (SAD).  I went to my family physician and he said I had diabetes.  So he put me on some diabetic pills, a diabetic diet and had me frequently check my blood sugar.
1987---Sleep Apnia.  I had been very tired for two years, falling asleep during the day and snoring at night.  The doctors finally diagnosed sleep apnia.  They put me on a Controlled Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machine plus oxygen at night.  It was wonderful. I finally had a full nights rest after 2 years and much of my energy returned.
1988---Arthritis.  I started getting a lot of pain in my hands and back.  I had arthritis and they put me on Tylenol to help relieve the pain.  Nothing else.
1993---Carpal Tunnel Surgery.  I lost feeling in my right hand with numbness and pain.  It was corrected with carpal tunnel surgery.
1994---Diabetes/Insulin.  My blood sugars started going over 200 so I was put on insulin to help control my diabetes.
1995---Fell Down the Stairs.  In the spring of 1995 I caught a cold.  One night I couldn't sleep and I was coughing terribly.  So I got up and took some cough medicine.  I didn't want to wake my wife so I started into the living room, without turning on the light, to sit down and rest until my cough subsided.  However I made a wrong turn in the dark and fell down 13 steps in the stairwell to the basement.  It was 3 in the morning.  My wife drove me to the emergency room at the hospital.  I had a busted leg, a busted arm several busted bones in my hand and wrist, a dislocated shoulder and a torn rotator cuff.  I was under bed care and medication for 6 weeks. 
1995---Rotator cuff surgery.  About 3 months after I fell down the stairs I had rotator cuff surgery to repair it.  The doctor, after cutting me open, said it was the most mangled rotator cuff he had ever seen and he couldn't repair it.  Also, my right shoulder I dislocated was bone on bone.  So now I have a gimpy right arm.
2000---Total knee replacement, left knee.
2002---Congestive Heart Failure.  I weighed 600 pounds because of water retention from my congestive heart failure.  I was in the hospital for 9 days.  I eventually got rid of all the water and went down to 430 pounds.
2005---Total knee replacement, right knee.  I was going to have both knees replaced in 2000.  But the recovery on the left knee was so long and painful I decided not to have the right knee replaced.  After 5 years the pain was so bad I had to get a wheel chair.  I decided it was time to have the right knee replaced so I did.
2007---I came down with a chronic cough this year.  I have continual phlegm in my throat which makes me cough all the time.  I still have the problem.  I have been to about 5 different doctors to find out what was causing it, but no luck.  They checked for sinus problems, asthma, acid reflux and my sleep apnia problem.  I am still looking for a help and hope this diet will eventually cure the problem.
2009---Cataract eye surgery on my left eye.

I still have all of the health problems listed above.  My legs have become very weak and I can only stand or walk for about 5 minutes, then I have to sit down.  I use a cane to get around and if I go to a store I use an electric cart.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The WFPB Diet Guidelines

Grains and other starch foods in whole food form
Whole fruits
Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)
Herbs and spices

No meat, no poultry, no fish
No dairy of any kind (including skim milk & non-fat yogurt
No eggs (including egg whites or Egg Beaters)
No oil (not even extra virgin olive, coconut or canola oil)
Limit highly refined, processed food

Limit sugar
Limit fruit juice
Limit soy products
Limit nuts, nut butters, seeds and seed butters
Limit high-fat plant foods (avocados, coconut, olives)
Limit salt

Flour products
Dried fruits
Fruit (limit to 2-3 servings a day)

Organic, non GMO, Local
Some benefits are derived when considering these factors, but don't worry about it.  Concentrate on eating whole plant foods.

Fat - No more than 20% of calories from fat.
Sugar - None of the first 3 ingredients.  No more than 5% of calories in a day.
Salt - Not over a 1:1 ratio of sodium mg to calories.  If calories are 100, sodium should be no more than about 100 mg.
Whole foods - Buy less processed foods.  Should contain just a few ingredients which should be recognizable (not chemical-sounding names).
Bread & Pastas - First word should be "whole" [name of grain].
Ignore all the "health" claims stated anywhere on the packaging.

This information is taken from Jane Birch's book "Discovering the Word of Wisdom", Appendix 4 Guidelines for an Optimal WFPB diet.

Forever strong in life
Larry Strong
Feb 18, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Little of my History


I graduated from BYU in 1959 (same class as Orin Hatch) with a BS in Physics and Math.  I got a masters degree in Engineering Administration (MEA) from the University of Utah in 1968.  Now each year when BYU plays the U of U I am always on the winning side.


I am a rocket scientist.  In 1959 I went to work for Autonetics, a division of North American Aviation, in Anaheim, California.  They build the inertial navigation unit (INU) for the Minuteman missile.  In 1960 I worked for the acceptance test unit at Autonetics.  We helped check out the first INU the Air Force bought for the Minuteman.  This missile was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL on Feb 1, 1961 with "pickle barrel" accuracy.  I worked 13 years in industry and 30 years for the government.


I retired on my 65th birthday in 2002.  Three days later I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure.  This caused me to retain water and I had gained to 600 pounds.  I ended up in the hospital where I nearly died.  I had really scary hallucinations (no, I have never used drugs).  After several months I lost all of the water weight.  I have been retired for 12 years and it has been pretty nice, except for my health problems which I hope to solve or alleviate with my new diet plan.

Forever strong in life
Larry Strong

Sunday, February 16, 2014

What is this blog about?

Let me introduce myself.
My name is Larry Strong and I am a devout member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).

Why this Blog
I have had a weight problem my whole life.  I have tried every diet I've seen, and nothing works over the long run.  I can lose weight on any diet but my diet dilemma is sticking to the diet and keeping the weight off.  I invariably gain it all back plus a little more.  When I got married in 1959 I weighed 210 pounds.  But over the next 22 years I gained 10 pounds a year and ended weighing 430 pounds in 1981.   In complete desperation I had stomach staple surgery.  I lost 75 pounds in 6 months, but then something happened to my body, I don't know what, and I gained it all back to 430 pounds in about 6 months.  Since then I have maintained my current weight (more or less).  I am now 76 years old and weigh 415 pounds.

The Diet Dillema Solution?
Several weeks ago I read an article by Jane Birch called "Discovering the word of wisdom".  It describes the whole food, plant-based perspective of how to maintain our health by properly following the Word of Wisdom as described in D&C 89 (LDS scripture).

10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained
for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof;
all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have
ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to
be used sparingly
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times
of winter, or of cold, or famine.

14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;
15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine
and excess of hunger.

16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine;

Reading Jane Birch's article and studying the word of wisdom I had an epiphany.
God created herbs, grain, fruit and vegetable to be used as food for men.  However, meat is to be used sparingly, and then only in times of winter (when all the other food doesn't grow around here) or in times of famine when no other food is available.  This was written 1n 1833, but since then the other food which we should eat is available in our grocery stores because it is imported from areas of a milder climate where it will grow.  There is really no reason to eat meat any more.

Supporting evidence of the Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet.

Numerous professionals have provided scientific evidence to support this type of food plan, including the following:

Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn,, Jr.,
T. Colin Campbell,
Jeff Novick, MS,
Neal D. Barnard,
Dr. Michael Greger,
Dr. Joel Fuhrman,
Dr. Dean Ornish,
Dr. John A. McDougal,

What this diet will do for you.

These professionals claim this diet will drastically reduce or eliminate the following health problems;

Arthritis (AS, gout, psoriatic, rheumatoid)
Atherosclerosis (heart disease, carotid artery disease, strokes)
Cancers (colon, breast, uterus, ovary, kidney, prostate)
Cataracts & macular degeneration
Colitis (Crohn's, ulcerative
Dementia (Alzheimer's, cognitive dysfunction)
Erectile dysfunction
Gastritis (ulcers)
Hearing loss
Hiatus hernia
Kidney disease
Kidney Stones
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson's disease
Varicose veins

My Plan

I have many of the problems described including obesity, arthritis, cataracts, diabetes, gout, and several more health problems.  Therefore, I am going to start this plan on  Monday, February 24, 2014.  I will report on this blog on a daily basis, or periodically, my progress, problems I encounter, how much weight I have lost, and corrections or easing of my many other health problems.  I also want to report from time to time the history of my health, the many different types of doctors (including some quacks) I have visited, the many different diets I have tried and their results and anything else that followers of this blog might be interested in.  And one last thing.  It is going to put a lot of pressure on me to stick to it.

Forever strong in life

Larry Strong
Feb 16, 2014